Legacy Products
The resources associated with these products have ceased their development and are no longer supported.
D-Link Systems, Inc. recommends retiring these products and replacing them with products that receive firmware updates.
How do I configure the DS-601/DS-605 VPN software client to connect to my DFL Series Firewall?

Configuration of DFL-210/800/1600

Step 1: Open the web browser and type the IP address of the router in address bar (default is and press Enter.

Step 2: On the left side, click on Objects, select Authentication Objects and click on Pre-shared key.

Step 3: Configure the Pre-Shared Key as followed:

  • Name: enter a name as desired (preshared in this example)
  • Shared Secret: enter desired preshared key
  • Confirm Secret: re-enter the key

Click OK.

Step 4: Click on Interfaces and select IPsec. Click Add and select IPsec Tunnel.

Step 5: Configure the IPsec Tunnel as followed:

  • Name: enter a name as desired (ipsec_roaming_tunnel in this example)
  • Local Network: all-nets
  • Remote Network: all-nets
  • Remote Endpoint: None
  • Encapsulation Mode: Tunnel
  • IKE Algorithms: Medium
  • IKE Life Time: 28800 secs
  • IPsec Algorithms: Medium
  • IPsec Life Time: 3600 secs

Step 6: Select the Authentication tab and select preshared (created in step 3) from the Pre-Shared Key dropdown option.

Step 7: Select the Routing tab and check the box labeled Dynamically add route to the remote network when a tunnel is established and click OK.

Step 8: Click on Rules and select IP Rules. Click Add and select IP Rule Folder.

Step 9: Enter a name for the folder and click OK.

Step 10: Click Add and select IP Rule. Configure the IP Rule as followed:

  • Name: enter a name as desired (client_to_server in this example)
  • Action: Allow
  • Service: all_services
  • Schedule: None
  • Source interface: any
  • Source network: all-nets
  • Destination interface: ipsec_roaming_tunnel (created in step 5)
  • Destination network: all-nets

Click OK.

Step 11: Click Add and select IP Rule. Configure the IP Rule as followed:

  • Name: enter a name as desired (server_to_client in this example)
  • Action: Allow
  • Service: all_services
  • Schedule: None
  • Source interface: ipsec_roaming_tunnel (created in step 5)
  • Source network: all-nets
  • Destination interface: any
  • Destination network: all-nets

Click OK.

Step 12: Select the Configuration tab and select Save and Activate. Click OK to save and activate the changes.

Configuration of DS-601/605 VPN client software

Step 1: Click Configuration and select Profile Settings .

Step 2: Select DFL-800 in the profile settings and click on Configure. If the profile does not exist, click New Entry to create a new profile.

Step 3: Select Basic Settings and configure as followed:

  • Profile name: enter a name for the profile (DFL-800 for simplicity)
  • Communication medium: select the type of internet connection on the client side

Step 4: Select IPSec General Settings and configure it as followed:

  • Gateway: enter WAN IP of the remote firewall
  • IKE Policy: automatic mode
  • IPSec policy: automatic mode
  • Exch. Mode: Main mode
  • PFS Group: DH-Group 2 (1024Bit)

Step 5: Select Identities and enter the pre-share key next to Shared secret and Confirm secret.

NOTE: The Pre-shared key must be identical to the one configured on the Firewall.

Step 6: Select IP Address Assignment and configure it according to your settings. It is recommended to keep the default settings.

Step 7: Select Remote Networks and configure as followed:

  • Network addresses: enter the network of the remote Firewall
  • Subnet masks: enter the corresponding subnet mask of the remote Firewall

Step 8: Select Firewall Settings and set the Enable Stateful Inspection to when connected. Click OK to save the settings and then click OK again to go back to connection screen.

Step 9: Click Connect to establish the VPN connection.