Legacy Products
The resources associated with these products have ceased their development and are no longer supported.
D-Link Systems, Inc. recommends retiring these products and replacing them with products that receive firmware updates.
How do I configure my DI Series Router with a cable modem?

This FAQ is for a Dynamic and Static Cable connection (I.E. Rogers, Teksavvy, Comcast).

Note: Please configure the router with the computer that was last connected directly to the cable modem.

Step 1 Log into the web-based configuration by typing in the IP address of the router (default: in your web browser. The username is admin (all lowercase) and the password is blank (nothing).

Step 2 Click on the Basic Setup tab. Dynamic IP Address is the default value, however, if Dynamic IP Address is not selected as the WAN type, select Dynamic IP Address by clicking on the radio button. Click Save and Restart.

Step 3 Click on the Device Status tab and verify that you have a solid link between the router and the modem.

If you do not have a solid link between the modem and the router follow the steps below:

  • Turn the cable modem off (first)
  • Turn the router off
  • Leave them off for 2 minutes**
  • Turn the cable modem on (first)
  • Wait until you get a solid cable light on the cable modem
  • Turn the router on
  • Wait 30 seconds

    ** If you have a Motorola (Surf Board) modem, leave off for at least 5 minutes.

    Step 4 Follow Step 1 again and log back into the web configuration. Click the Device Status tab . If you do not already have a public IP address under the WAN Ethernet heading, click on the DHCP Release and Renew buttons.

    Setup Static Cable Connection

    Step 1 Log into the web based configuration by typing in the IP address of the router (default: in your web browser. The username is admin (all lowercase) and the password is blank (nothing).

    Step 2 Click the Basic Setup tab. Select the Static IP Address radio button and enter in your static settings obtained from the ISP in the fields provided.

    Note: If you do not know your settings, you must contact your ISP.

    Step 3 Click on Save and Restart.

    Step 4 Click on the Device Status tab and verify that you have a solid link between the router and the modem.

    If you do not have a solid link between the modem and the router follow the steps below:
  • Power cycle the cable modem and router.
  • Turn the cable modem off (first)
  • Turn the router off
  • Leave them off for 2 minutes**
  • Turn the cable modem on (first)
  • Wait until you get a solid cable light on the cable modem
  • Turn the router on
  • Wait 30 seconds

    ** If you have a Motorola (Surf Board) modem, leave off for at least 5 minutes.