Legacy Products
The resources associated with these products have ceased their development and are no longer supported.
D-Link Systems, Inc. recommends retiring these products and replacing them with products that receive firmware updates.
How to set up a SSL VPN on my DSR series router?

For firmware 3.x or higher, download the SSL VPN Config Guide below:


Download SSL VPN Config Guide



Older GUI


Step 1: Log into the DSR interface. The default IP address is (eg.


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Step 2: Click the Tools Tab on the top, Click Admin > Remote Management on the left side


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Step 3:
Enable Remote Management and Click Save Settings


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Step 4:
Click the Advanced Tab on the top, click Users on the left side and select Groups


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Step 5: Click Add


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Step 6: Configure your group:

  • Name: The Name of the group (ie. Tech Support)

  • Domain: SSLVPN

  • Idle Timeout: The Timeout value of the group (eg. 10)

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Step 7: Select Users on the left and click Users

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Step 8: Click Add

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Step 9: Create User

  • Username: username for login (eg. tsmith)

  • First Name: Users Name (eg. Tom)

  • Last Name: Users Last Name (eg. Smith)

  • User Type: SSLVPN

  • Select Group: created group (ie. Tech Support)

  • Password: password for VPN login

  • Confirm Password:

  • Idle Timeout: The timeout value of the user (eg. 5)

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Step 10: Click Setup on the top and VPN Settings>SSL VPN Server>Resources on the left side


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Step 11: Place a Check next to the SSL VPN Resource and click Configure


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Step 12: Configure:

  • Object Type: Select the Access for SSL User (ie. Single IP or Network)

  • Object Address: Single IP address or Network (eg.

  • Mask Length: Netmask of network (eg. 24)

  • Port Range: Ports that can be accessed by SSL Users

    • Begin: 0
    • End: 65535

Note: In this example, SSL VPN users can access the entire 192.168.10.x network and have access to all ports.

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Step 13: Click Setup on the top and VPN Settings>SSL VPN Server>SSL VPN Policies on the left side

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Step 14: Click Add

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Step 15: Configure VPN Policy:

  • Policy For: Select who the policy is for (eg. Group)

  • Available Groups: Select the Group to apply this policy (eg. Tech Support)

  • Apply Policy to: Network Resource

  • Policy Name: Enter name for Policy (eg. SSL VPN)

  • Define Resources: Your SSL Resource (Eg. SSL) (From Step 9)

  • Permission: Permit

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Connecting to the SSL VPN:

Step 1: Open an internet browser
Step 2: Enter the DSR's public/WAN address into the address bar and click Go (eg.
Step 3: At the DSR Login Screen, enter your SSL Username and Password and click login

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Step 4: Click on the VPN Tunnel Tab at the top

Step 5: Click the SSL VPN Icon to launch the installer

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Once the installer launches it will automatically connect to your SSL VPN.

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