Legacy Products
The resources associated with these products have ceased their development and are no longer supported.
D-Link Systems, Inc. recommends retiring these products and replacing them with products that receive firmware updates.
What is MU-MIMO?

Multi-User Multiple Input Multiple Output, better known as MU-MIMO (Next-Gen AC or AC Wave 2), allows a Wi-Fi router to communicate with multiple devices simultaneously. This decreases the time each device has to wait for a signal and dramatically speeds up your network. Considering that the average household has upwards of eight devices battling for bandwidth simultaneously, MU-MIMO will increasingly improve your Wi-Fi experience.


To use MU-MIMO, you must first have a router that supports the technology. Wi-Fi Routers operating on older standards such as Wireless-A, B, G, and N do not support MU-MIMO, and it's only a feature in some of the later Wireless-AC routers. Your safest bet is to look for a router that explicitly states it supports MU-MIMO, Next-Gen AC, or AC Wave 2.


Note: MU-MIMO support is required on both the router AND the wireless client for it to work.


For more information, visit Wi-Fi.org.